Τομέας:Ελεγκτικά, Λογιστικά, Συμβουλευτικά
Ιστοσελίδα: https://www.neocleoustrust.com/
Neocleous House, 195 Makarios III Avenue, 1-5th, Limassol,
E. Neocleous Trust is an affiliate of Elias Neocleous & Co. LLC tracing it’s roots back to 1965 to provide specialized corporate management, trust, fiduciary and business consulting services to its vast volume of high net worth corporations and individuals around the globe. The aim was to establish a truly Dynamic corporate management company, embedded in a world class law firm.
Integrity, hard work and team spirit are just some of the characteristics of our people. A reputable team that is comprised of Lawyers, Tax advisors, Bankers, Accountants and professional administrators with expertise in their relevant fields. Such fields as corporate consulting, accounting, management advisory, and restructuring to name a few. “We are a Dynamic corporate management company embedded in a world-class law firm, Our vision is to build the future, and share new knowledge. Through hard work and innovation, we are committed to explore new horizons and successfully protect the interests of our clients with integrity and passion.”
We harness a multilingual culture and embrace technology, hence, efficient communication with our international clients is secure and achieved. We are proud to say that our people are dedicated and possess the required professional skills in offering continuing assistance to clients coming from a variety of industry sectors.