Register as employer, totally free of charge, following the link below:
Register as a user, totally free of charge, by clicking on the link below:
You can reset your password here:
Registering as a user offers the following benefits:
Carierista respects the fact that -for any reason- the candidates may not wish for their contact details to be visible (first name, last name, email) offers the possibility to everyone to maintain an account without displaying the aforementioned details.
A post can last from 3 to 30 days. At the conclusion of the advertisement, you will be sent an email where with just a click of a button you will be able to renew the advertisement post (which will be considered as a new advertisement).
Visit, login into your account and then on your account right side menu, click on the "Purchase Service" item, follow the simple steps you will be asked to take and select the number of advertisements you would like to buy. If you are not a registered employer in Carierista, you may register here:
As an Employer, you can deposit a certain amount of money into your account and choose the advertisement you want to have forwarded. The entire amount of money you will deposit, is going to be used in targeted Facebook advertising. The experienced Carierista team will undertake the targeting towards the proper promotion of your advertisement.
Payment can be made online with instant invoicing. In case there is difficulty in paying by credit card or debit card, please contact us by calling (+357) 25-333538 or emailing Payments in installments will not be accepted.
You can pay in the following ways:
The advertisement will be posted in Carierista in a matter of minutes. This concerns working days and holidays too.
The advertisements have to be used within 365 days. If any advertisements have been left unused by the end of this period, no refund is possible.
Of course! Contact us by calling (+357) 25 333 538 or emailing for any information.
Refund is possible only up to 5 days after the date of having purchased services from Carierista as long as you have not used the service. Refund is not possible 5 days after the purchase of services.
You may contact us in any way (, +357 25 333 538). Refund is possible only up to 5 days after the date of having purchased services from Carierista as long as you have not used the service. Refund is not possible if the 5 days are past the purchase of services.