Υπουργείο Εργασίας και Κοινωνικών Ασφαλίσεων - Θέση στο Ευρωπαϊκό Ινστιτούτο για την Ισότητα των Φύλων
Category:Public Sector jobs, EU - International Organizations jobs
Area:Limassol, Larnaca, Paphos, Nicosia, Famagusta

Media and Internet
Το Υπουργείο Εργασίας και Κοινωνικών Ασφαλίσεων γνωστοποιεί ανακοίνωση/ανακοινώσεις Διεθνή/ών Οργανισμού/ών αναφορικά με την προκήρυξη κενής/ών θέσης/εων εργασίας
Ref. Number: EIGE/2025/CA/04/FG3
Closing date: 19 March 2025, 13:30
Location: Vilnius, Lithuania
The Agency
Based in Vilnius, Lithuania, EIGE is a decentralised agency of the European Union (EU) entrusted with specific objectives envisaged to contribute and strengthen the promotion of gender equality.
To achieve its goals, the Agency collects and analyses comparable and reliable information at EU level and develops appropriate methodological tools for the integration of gender equality into all EU policies. It fosters the exchange of good practices and dialogue between stakeholders and raises EU citizen awareness of this policy area by providing technical assistance to EU institutions, in particular the European Commission, as well as the authorities of the Member States.
In the course of its work to promote and strengthen gender equality, EIGE supports policy-makers with high quality research and comparable data relevant to their work.
Job profile and duties
Under the supervision of the Head of the Research and Policy Support Unit and working in close collaboration with the Outreach and Engagement Unit, the jobholder will enhance the research and publications’ production capacity of the Agency.
The post requires good understanding of relevant gender equality issues, experience in applying quantitative research methods, analytical skills, excellent drafting skills and very good communication skills.
The post demands a team player who is self-critical towards their own performance and who shares learning and information as part of a multicultural and multidisciplinary team.
The following tasks and activities are relevant to the duties of this post:
• Assist with the design and implementation of research projects on various topics of gender equality, including all aspects related to the management of contracted research, ensuring the highest standards and content quality,
• Support in producing comparative statistical data and gender analysis in Agency’s priority research areas,
• Contribute to the implementation of EIGE’s surveys and survey data analysis,
• Assist in drafting policy-oriented research reports and other publications,
• Contribute to the efficient communication of EIGE’s work by planning, coordinating and monitoring the production of publications,
• Act as EIGE’s main point of contact with service providers relevant to editing and production of publications,
• Ensure sound financial management of EIGE’s budget relevant to the production of publications.
Formal requirements and selection criteria
Formal requirements
To be considered eligible for selection, an applicant must, by the closing date of this call:
• have a university degree which corresponds to completed university studies attested by a diploma when the normal period of university education is four years or more, or have a level of education which corresponds to completed university studies attested by a diploma and appropriate professional experience of at least one year when the normal period of university education is at least three years,
• have a good command, both spoken and written, of at least two official EU languages,
• be a national of a Member State of the EU,
• enjoy full rights as an EU citizen,
• have fulfilled any obligations imposed by the national laws concerning military service, and
• be physically fit to perform duties.
Selection criteria
• At least three years’ professional experience gained after the award of the relevant qualification and at a suitable level corresponding to performance of tasks as defined above.
• At least two years of experience in quantitative research in the area of gender equality, which should be substantiated by a list in the candidate’s application form of publications and/or reports/policy papers that the candidate has written, or contributed to, in English,
• Proven record of work with official social statistics, databases and indicators at a national, EU and/or international level,
• High level competence in drafting and editing papers and reports in English.
• Excellent analytical, facilitation and communications skills and ability to synthesize information,
• Avery good command of English, the working language at the Agency,
• Excellent interpersonal and problem-solving skills, including ability to work with multiple stakeholders in a multicultural environment.
• Post-graduate qualification in economics/sociology/statistics and/or gender studies;Knowledge of EU institutional and legal/policy framework in the area of gender equality Experience of working with official data sets provided by EUROSTAT,
• Experience of tasks related to the production of digital publications Ability to manage priorities, work underpressure and meet tight deadlines.
Selection procedure
The selection procedure includes the following:
• Only duly completed applications submitted electronically within the deadline will be taken into consideration.
• Each duly completed application will be examined with a view to establishing that the candidate meets all eligibility criteria.
• Eligible applications will be evaluated by the appointed selection committee based on selection criteria defined in this vacancy notice. Depending on the number of applications received, the selection committee may apply stricter requirements within the selection criteria noted above.
• The best-admissible candidates will be short-listed for interviews.
• Interviews and written tests will be in English.
• During the interview, the selection committee will examine the candidates’ profiles and assess their relevancy for the post in question. On the day of the interview, candidates may also be required to undergo a competency assessment exercise.
• On the day of interviews, candidates will be requested to present valid documents detailing citizenship in particular a copy of identity card, passport or other official document specifying citizenship.
• If at any stage of the procedure, it is established that information in the application has been knowingly falsified, the candidate shall be disqualified from the selection process.
• Successful candidates will be included in a reserve list which will be valid for 12 months. The validity of this list may be extended. Each candidate will be informed by letter whether or not s/he has been placed on the reserve list. However, inclusion of candidates on the reserve list does not guarantee recruitment.
• EIGE’s Director will appoint the selected jobholder from the reserve list, taking into account a gender balanced, geographically diverse organisation.
The internal proceedings of the selection committee are confidential and any contact with its members is strictly forbidden. Soliciting on behalf of a candidate can lead to immediate disqualification.
For applications to be valid, candidates must complete an EIGE application form. It is to be forwarded electronically to eige.hr@eige.europa.eu. The subject title should include the vacancy reference number.
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